How do I print an employee's job summary through the mobile app?

Job summaries (hours, pieces) may be printed for employee's in the field through bluetooth printers.

If you have bluetooth printers connected to your mobile devices, they may be used to print job summaries for employees in the field. A job summary includes the employee's hours worked and pieces picked, which they may keep for record keeping purposes. 

Heads up

The 'Summary' button will be greyed out if the device doesn't have a bluetooth printer connected to it. 


  1. Select the job where the employee works

  2. Navigate to the ‘Employees’ tab

  3. Scan the Employee’s badge to pull up their summary

  4. Tap the ‘Summary’ button at the top of the screen

For an Employee that's been Clocked Out

  1. Select the Job where the Employee worked

  2. Navigate to the ‘Employees’ tab

  3. Tap the ‘List’ button at the top-left corner of the screen

  4. Select the desired Employee

  5. Tap the ‘Summary’ button at the bottom of the screen