How does the Employee Administrator Role work?

Employee Administrators have access to the "Employees" tab on the Admin Site and the FieldClock app, and can view, create, edit, and delete Employees.

Providing your employees with proper access to FieldClock helps prevent unwanted user actions. In FieldClock, “Roles” can be assigned to specific employees that provide various privileges. These privileges in turn provide access to specific parts of FieldClock that align with their duties.

“Employee Administrators” have access to the “Employees” navigation tab in the Admin Site and the FieldClock App. They’re able to create, modify, and delete employee records. With this comes other privileges such as assigning custom hourly rates, viewing employee work history, and downloading employee payouts. 

If you need an employee to have access to all employee related functionality, the Employee Administrator Role is your best option. 

For more information on how to assign Roles, please watch our video titled “Roles Overview” linked below.

Other Roles

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