A Ranch is a physical location, such as an orchard, field, or warehouse where your employees work.
To create a Ranch, first login to the Admin site and click the “Ranches” button from your left-hand navigation menu. Then, click the “New Ranch” button on the right-hand side of your screen.
- First, “Name” your Ranch.
- The “Varieties” options allow you to specify which crops, or Varieties, are planted at this Ranch.
- The “Tasks” option allows you to specify whether or not all Tasks should be available at this Ranch or just a select few.
- The “Boundaries” section allows you to outline the boundaries of your Ranch. Adding geographic boundaries will enable location-dependent FieldClock features. To draw boundaries, locate your Ranch on the map, then click around the borders. Click the “Clear Map” button to clear all boundaries and start over.
- The “Payroll” tab allows you to specify which Payroll Entity that work at the Ranch should be paid by. Below the Payroll Entity are “Payroll Code” inputs, which allow you to enter payroll specific codes for the Ranch.
- The “Reporting” tab allows you to enter the Ranches “Acres Planted”, “Units Planted”, and “Color” for better identification. Our handy calculator will help you estimate these numbers if you aren’t certain.
- Finally, the “Misc.” tab allows you to enter contact info and location of the Ranch.
Ranches are one of the fundamental building blocks of FieldClock. They provide numerous benefits, such as the ability to create Jobs, location tracking, and better crop organization and management.