How do I create or edit a Pay Template on the Admin Site?

Pay Templates allow you to specify pay rules for common Job configurations.

Pay Templates allow you to specify pay rules for common Job configurations. For instance, if you have a special Variety which must be paid a different wage during picking, you can create a template for that.  For more information, watch our Pay Templates overview video.

To create or edit a “Pay Template”, first login to the Admin site and click the “Admin” button from your left-hand navigation menu. Next, click the “Pay Templates” tab. From there, either click the “New Pay Template” button on the right-hand side of your screen, or select a Pay Template from your existing list and click the “Edit pay template” button.  

  • Pay Filters allow you to specify which Job configurations your Pay Templates should apply to. For instance, you could create one that applies to all Piecework Jobs where the Variety is “Honeycrisp”
  • Pay Rules determine what the “Rate” should be if the above Pay Filters - or Job Configuration - is met. Using our example above, we might want the Piece Price for all Fujis to be $2.50 / piece. We can set that in the “Default Piece Price” input, along with a Minimum and Maximum, which allows the Employee to change the Piece Price, but not below the Minimum or above the Maximum. 

Pay Templates can be applied to all Job configurations in FieldClock. This means that you can not only save time creating Jobs, but also ensure that no one sets incorrect hourly rates or piece rates. 

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