How do I bulk-edit employees?

Employee bulk-editing can save you a whole lot of time and headache. To bulk-edit employees, you'll first need to hover your cursor over an employee in your main employee list.


You'll see a checkbox appear, which you can then check. Doing so will make checkboxes appear for all other employees and a "Bulk-edit Employees" button will also appear on the right-hand side.

Check all the employees you wish to edit, then click the "Bulk-edit Employees" button. You'll then be taken to the bulk-edit form.


There are 5 employee attributes you're able to bulk-edit:

  1. Active/inactive
  2. Wage program
  3. Hourly pay
  4. Payroll entity
  5. Linked Companies

Leaving an option at "No change" will not change that attribute for the employees being bulk-edited. Once all modifications have been selected, click "Save" to complete the bulk-edit.