How do I take Notes on the FieldClock app?

Note Templates are custom Quality Control Notes that you can use in the field to track customized quality control data. For instance, you might want to track bruising in apples or the number of stem-pulls in cherries.

This tab is where these Notes are created. 

To view the Notes Tab, first login to the FieldClock App and tap the “Jobs” tab from your pullout navigation menu. Next, select a Job, then the “Notes” at the bottom of your screen.

  • This tab is a scanner view that allows you to create new Notes. Scanning an Employee’s badge, Ticket, or Equipment will display a form where you can create a QC note related to the object you scanned.
  • Tapping the “List” button in the upper-left hand corner of your screen shows all quality control notes at the Job.
When adding a new Note:
  • If you have Note Templates that are applicable to the current job, they will be displayed.  Select a template to display a custom form built from your template.  For more information, please see our video titled “How to create Note Templates” linked below.
  • If a default Note is selected, the basic note form is displayed with photo and comments input.

The “Notes Tab” is the primary place where quality control notes are taken out in the field. This means being able to track crop quality when and where you need to. 

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