How do I view the "Photos tab" in Job Details on the Admin Site?

The "Photos" tab displays all photos that were taken from the FieldClock mobile app and Kiosk app.

Log in to the admin site, click Jobs on the left hand side and select a job.

The "Photos" tab displays all photos that were taken from the FieldClock mobile app and Kiosk app.

  • If no photos were taken at the Job, a “No photos to display” message will appear
  • If photos were taken, a thumbnail for each one will be displayed, which can be clicked to be enlarged. When enlarged, a caption is also displayed at the bottom that includes who took the photo and at what time they took it
If your employees take photos for quality control purposes, this is a great place to view them. It’s an easy way to see what’s going on in the field or how your crops are turning out, all in real time from your office.