How do I view the "Payouts Tab" in Job Details on the Admin site?

The Payouts tab displays a filterable list of employee payouts once the job has been finalized. 

Log in to the admin site, click Jobs on the left hand side then, select a finalized job.

The Payouts tab displays a filterable list of employee payouts once the job has been finalized. 

  • Payouts are grouped by Pay Type, meaning “Hourly” payouts will be grouped separate from “Break” and “Piece” payouts.
  • Each payout row shows the employee’s name, hours worked or pieces picked, and their total payout.
  • The bottom of each group provides a “Total”, which is the sum of all payouts in that group
  • An important note is that Automatic Piecework Breaks are not generated during Job finalization. Those calculations are run during payroll batch generation, and will not display until the Job has been included in a payroll batch.

The Payouts tab provides you with an easy-to-read list of payouts once the Job has been finalized. This means a convenient way to review payout data for each Job.