How do I view the "Map Tab" in Job Details on the Admin site?

The “Map Tab” provides an aerial view of employee activity at the job you’re currently viewing.  It will include “pins” for time entries, pieces, notes, and equipment. 

Log in to the admin site, click Jobs on the left hand side then, select a job.

The “Map Tab” provides an aerial view of employee activity at the job you’re currently viewing.  It will include “pins” for time entries, pieces, notes, and equipment. 

  • The boundaries of the Ranch or Block where the job took place will be outlined on the map.
  • Each pin on the map will show the location where the FieldClock user was when they recorded the activity.  For instance, an employee’s piece record will display on the map near the location where they scanned their badge.  Naturally, if the app couldn’t get a proper location fix we will not be able to display an accurate map pin.
  • The “View” filter allows you to toggle between Roadmap to Satellite map views
  • The “Show” filter allows you to display only certain types of events that you’d like shown on the map, for instance only “Time Entries” 
  • It’s important to note that phone locations are not always precise in rural areas, so the map pins will be near the event locations but may not be exactly “on the spot”.  We try to collect the most accurate data possible but sometimes we can only get to within 30-60 feet.

As long as your devices in the field can get a location fix, this tab will provide you with a birds-eye view of all activity happening at a job. This means keeping better track of where employees are and what they’re doing, all in real-time.