How do I view my "Jobs to Finalize" list?

The “Jobs To Finalize” view lists all of your jobs that took place yesterday (or longer ago) and have not yet been finalized.

To view your Jobs To Finalize list, first login to the Admin site and click the “Jobs” button from your left-hand navigation menu. If you have Jobs to Finalize, you’ll see a list of them in yellow on the right-hand side of your screen.

  • Click the “Jobs To Finalize” header or the “+ more” button at the bottom of the list to go to the Jobs To Finalize list view
  • Clicking the “Filters” button at the top of your list will display various ways to filter and group your list
  • Check the box on the right-hand side of each Job you want to finalize. If you want to finalize all Jobs in a section, check the box in the header for the group. 
  • Once you have selected your Jobs, click the “Bulk Finalize” button to show to the finalization screen.  For more information about finalization, watch our Job Finalization Overview video.

The Jobs To Finalize list speeds up your review process, allowing you to save time by only viewing jobs that are ready to be finalized.

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