How do I view my Jobs List on the Admin Site?

The Jobs List View is a browsable list of all Jobs taking place at your Company.

To view your Jobs List, first login to the Admin site and click the "Jobs" link from the left-hand navigation menu. By default, your Jobs list will display all of today’s jobs. You can navigate to other days by clicking on the slider or by clicking on the calendar date of your choice on the right-hand side of your Jobs list. This provides fast navigation, allowing you to view Jobs for any given date in a matter of seconds. 

Each Job entry or list item displays a description of the Job, the number of active and total workers, and any production that’s been recorded. 

To filter your Jobs list, simply click on the "Filters" button above your jobs list. From here, you can filter your Jobs by Pay Type and Status, as well as group your jobs by Task, Crew Boss, Ranch or Block. 

Working with Jobs is also simple:

  • Simply click one to navigate to its Details View
  • You can also select multiple Jobs by hovering your cursor over them and checking the box on the right. This allows you to select multiple jobs for bulk-finalization or to print summaries of each Job
  • To copy a Job, simply click on the copy button, indicated by the double paper icon on the right-hand side of each Job list item, to create a new Job with an identical configuration

While most Jobs might be created from our mobile app, this page means that you can view those Jobs in real-time as the data comes in and allows you create and backdate Jobs whenever you need, all of which provides greater access and visibility of your data.

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