How do I print a Job Summary Report?

The Job Summary report is a printable report with job configuration and employee information. This report can also be used to summarize multiple jobs at the same time.

To begin, first login to the Admin site and click the ‘Jobs’ tab from your left-hand navigation menu. 

  1. To view a single Job Summary report, simply click the printer-icon button to the left of the ‘Edit Job’ button or select one from your jobs list by checking the box on the right-hand side, then clicking the ‘Finalize Jobs’ button at the top.
  2. To view the Job Summary report for multiple jobs that includes a grand total, you’ll need to bulk-select them from your main jobs list, then click the ‘Jobs Summary’ button.

The Job summary report is essentially a printer-friendly way to view or print  job data, which means greater visibility - and shareability - of data.