How do I configure Piecework Break Pay within a Wage Program?

Piecework Break Pay enables FieldClock to automatically calculate break pay for Piecework & Hourly + Piecework Jobs.


  • The basic formula is to pay a specific number of minutes of “break” pay based on the amount of time worked.  For example, some farms need to pay 10 minutes of rest break for every 4 hours, or 240 minutes, worked.
  • When calculating break pay, we calculate a ‘Regular Rate of Pay’ for the pay period.  This rate is equal to the Total Pay of all relevant Jobs divided by the number of hours worked.  You can choose whether the number of hours should include or exclude breaks or other non-productive time.
  • ‘Use Active Hours’ means that the Regular Rate of Pay for the breaks will be calculated using only ‘active’ hours, which are the hours worked while not on break.
  • ‘Use Total Hours’ means that the Regular Rate of Pay for the breaks will be calculated using ‘total’ hours worked at relevant jobs
  • Lastly for the piecework break options, you can specify whether relevant jobs should include Hourly + Piecework jobs.  Pure piecework jobs will always be included in this calculation.

Piecework Break Pay takes a huge load off of your back and can save you tons of time, which means focusing your efforts on more important things, like running your business! 

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